Pasdaran Apartment
Pasdaran Apartment
Self-Sufficient Hydro Tower
The project of Self-sufficient Hydro Tower is located in Tehran; the city in view of thirteen million population increase faces the crisis of water lack, air pollution, dust, and climate changes. The purpose and idea of Tower is to use the historical and cultural infrastructure of hydraulic water transmission called subterranean or Qanat water systems, […]
Rep – Tile Pavilion
Rep- Tile / Infusion Pavilion Origami double sided textile has a reflecting effect from the outside as an installation pavilion and on the other hand an upside down close up reflection from the inside. The outside stands as an altogether chromic “Rep-Tile”! Inside-out users will be experiencing a twisting textile fabric with an unordinary sense […]
Infiloolion Pavilion
INFILOOLION Culture, Dignity, and techniques are the identifying principles of architecture and urbanism in different nations. While current Iranian architecture and urban environment identity are suffering from various inconveniences, Infiloolion is an effort toward reinterpreting dignity of Iranian architecture using digital design and fabrication techniques to develop a new method of representing Iranian Muqarnas art. […]
Thermal Springs Guest House
Our design, inspired by the nature and local environment potentials, is a response to the environmental issues. Our creative solution is in line with a trend, in which the architectural design considers the consequences of environment destruction by human beings and seeks a sustainable futuristic solution. Utilizing the new construction methods and digital tools, our […]